Hooked on Hand-Sewing

Today I read on Natalie Chanin's blog that there is a Flickr site for projects from her book, Alabama Stitch Book, so I decided to photograph my Reverse-Applique Bandana to post there (and here). Here is the front of it.


And the front along with some of the equally appealing back.


I also made the Book Cover (which I posted about here back in December) and the Reverse-Appplique Swing Skirt minus the reverse applique), but a good photo is TK (editor-speak for "to come").

I am totally hooked on hand-sewing. It reminds me of knitting in that it's creative, tactile, relaxing, and portable, and it's, of course, so satisfying to look at your project when you're done and know that you made it with your own hands.

Sometimes my job as the editorial director of STC Craft feels overwhelming (that's part of why before today I hadn't posted in a long time). And sometimes my job feels very gratifying, for example, when I see projects people are inspired to make from our books, like those on the Alabama Stitch Book Flickr site.